Local forms without Redux

In some cases we may have forms that don't need to be persisted to the store (in some cases even preferable as discussed here. The LocalForm component provides a way of using Yarfl's API without having to initialized the form in Redux. LocalForm stores and updates data in its own React state and renders the form via a render prop.

import React from 'react';
import { LocalForm } from 'yarfl';
import { loginFormConfig } from './configs';

class LoginForm extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <LocalForm config={loginFormConfig} render={(loginForm) => {
                const { select } = loginForm;
                const email = select('email');
                const password = select('password');
                return (
                            <label htmlFor={email.id}>
                                {email.errorMessage || email.label}
                            <input {...email.bind()} />
                            <label htmlFor={password.id}>
                                {password.errorMessage || password.label}
                            <input {...password.bind()} />

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