
Each field in the form is defined as an object, but all config properties are optional. Default values will be generated when omitted in the config. Many properties are mapped to input attributes when using the bind() method.

Property Type Default Included in bind() Description
value any '' :white_check_mark: Initial field value on form initialization.
rules string '' String of pipe (|) separated validation rules. See validatorjs implementation here.
default any value :white_check_mark: Default field value. Sets to this value on reset(). Defaults to previous value property.
name string key :white_check_mark: Defaults to field key if not provided.
id string key :white_check_mark: Defaults to name in kebab case if not provided.
className string :white_check_mark: Field className.
type string 'text' :white_check_mark: Field type, defaults to 'text'.
label string name :white_check_mark: Defaults to name in title case if not provided.
placeholder string name :white_check_mark: Defaults to name in title case if not provided.
multiple boolean :white_check_mark: Valid only if options is defined. Defaults to false if options is given.
disabled boolean false :white_check_mark: Defaults to false.
autoFocus boolean false :white_check_mark: Defaults to false.
autoComplete string name :white_check_mark: Defaults to name.
options array An array of string or object specifying options for use with select or radio fields. An option object follows { label: string, value: any } format. If an array of strings is given then both label and value are set to the string value.
extra object {} An optional object to store extra information about the form. Useful for storing header/label values, metadata and/or custom behavior.
getter function A function to transform the value coming from the store, before outputing it with bind.
setter function A function to transform the value when dispatching an onChange event before writing it to the store.


A form initialized with the following config...

const config = {
    name: 'loginForm'
    fields: {
        email: {
            name: 'loginEmail',
            label: 'Enter your email',
            rules: 'required|email',

Will result in the following field state:

   key: 'email',
   focused: false,
   touched: false,
   changed: false,
   showErrors: false,
   extra: {},
   fieldType: 'SIMPLE',
   value: '',
   default: '',
   initial: '',
   rules: 'required|email',
   name: 'loginEmail',
   id: 'login-email',
   type: 'text',
   label: 'Enter your email',
   placeholder: 'Enter your email',
   disabled: false,
   autoFocus: false,
   autoComplete: 'loginEmail',
   errors: [ 'The email field is required.' ]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""