init(config1[, config2[, ...[, configN]]])

The init function accepts one or more Config objects a arguments and returns assets necessary to create the store and connect React components to listen to and dispatch changes.


Name Type Description
configN Config A Config object defining the form.


An object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
reducer function A reducer function to pass as the first argument in createStore or to be implemented in combineReducers.
initialState object The initial form state as the second argument in createStore or to be combined with other initial states.
connect function A HOC to connect React components to the store via the React Redux Provider API.
FormProvider function A React component that exposes state and dispatching via a render prop.


import { init } from 'yarfl';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { loginFormConfig, newUserConfig, ... } from './configs'

const {
} = init(loginFormConfig, newUserConfig, ...);

// redux-thunk is a peer dependency of yarfl
const enhancers = applyMiddleware(thunk)

const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, enhancers);

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