Getting started

  1. Install dependencies (redux, react, react-redux, redux-thunk are peer dependencies):

     yarn add redux react react-redux redux-thunk yarfl
  2. Define a config object with a fields property describing what fields should be part of the Redux state and how they should be validated. The rules string describes which rules from validatorjs the field should be validated against (optional).

     export const myFormConfig = {
         name: 'myForm',
         fields: {
             name: {
                 rules: 'required'
             email: {
                 rules: 'required|email'
             age: {
                 rules: 'required|min:18'
  3. Create a reducer, initial state and a connector by passing the config object to the init function and then simply create the Redux store as you normally would:

     // store.js
     import { init } from 'yarfl';
     import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
     import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
     import { myFormConfig } from './config'
     // create a reducer, initial state and a connector
     const { reducer, initialState, connect } = init(myFormConfig);
     // redux-thunk is a peer dependency of yarfl
     const enhancers = applyMiddleware(thunk)
     const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, enhancers);
     export { store, connect }
  4. Set up the Provider as you normally would with React Redux. To connect a React component with the store from the previous step use the connect method that we created with init in step three. This connect method doesn't require mapStateToProps or mapDispatchToProps arguments, this is taken care of by Yarfl automatically. Just pass the React component as its first and only argument.

     // App.js
     import React from 'react';
     import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
     import { store } from './store.js'
     import MyFormComponent from './MyFormComponent.js';
     class App extends React.Component {
         render() {
             return (
                 <Provider store={store}>
                     <MyFormComponent />
     // MyFormComponent.js
     import React from 'react';
     import { connect } from './store.js';
     class MyFormComponent extends React.Component {
     export default connect(MyComponent)
  5. When connected, a form prop of the name specified in the config object (in our case myForm) is passed to the React component. The myForm prop is an object containing a handful of properties and methods to interact with the store.

     class MyComponent extends React.Component {
         render () {
             const { select, valid, errors } = this.props.myForm;
             * The 'select' function accepts a key string and
             * returns an object containing the name field
             * object from the store with a 'bind' function.
             const nameField = select('name');
             return (
                             The 'bind' function returns an object of properties
                             that can be spread on an input element effectively
                             binding that component to update and track the state.
                         <input {...nameField.bind()} />
                         The 'valid' property describes if all fields
                         registered in the Redux store pass their
                         validation rules.
                     <button type="submit" disabled={!valid} />
                             The 'errors' array contains the first error
                             message (if any) for all registered fields.
                         <label>All errors:</label>
                             { => <li>{err}</li>)}

    The bind method returns an object containing input attributes (with "value") from the store and onChange, onBlur and onFocus handlers to dispatch update actions.

     const bindProps = select('name').bind();
     bindProps = {
         value: '',
         default: '',
         id: 'name',
         name: 'name',
         type: 'text',
         label: 'Name',
         className: '',
         placeholder: 'Name',
         disabled: false,
         autoFocus: false,
         onChange: (e: InputEvent, value?: any) => void,
         onBlur: () => void,
         onFocus: () => void,

    Using the spread syntax will attach all the props to the input element, but you are free to choose which properties you want to use or create new ones from bind's return values:

     render() {
         const { select } = this.props;
         const { id, value, onChange } = select('email').bind();
         return (
                 onChange={(e, value) => {
                     console.log('About to dispatch...')
                     console.log('Dispatch complete!')
  6. To initiate more than one form just add more config objects as input parameters from the init function from step three.

     import { loginFormConfig, newUserConfig, ... } from './configs'
     // pass one or more config objects to init
     const { reducer, initialState, connect } = init(loginFormConfig, newUserConfig, ...);

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