
The LocalForm component initializes and creates the form in its own state rather than in Redux. This is an alternative for forms that don't need to have their state persisted globally and doesn't require any Redux dependencies.


Name Type Description
config Config A Config object defining the form.
render function A render prop accepting the a Form object as its only property.


LocalForm works similarly to FormProvider with render but a config prop is also required.

import { LocalForm } from 'yarfl';
import { loginFormConfig } from './configs';

class LoginForm extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <LocalForm config={loginFormConfig} render={(loginForm) => {
                const { select } = loginForm;
                const email = select('email');
                const password = select('password');
                return (
                            <label htmlFor={email.id}>
                                {email.errorMessage || email.label}
                            <input {...email.bind()} />
                            <label htmlFor={password.id}>
                                {password.errorMessage || password.label}
                            <input {...password.bind()} />

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