
The config object defines a form's fields, behavior and initial state.

Property Type Default Description
name string (required) The name to map the form state to in redux (pick a name that won't conflict with other state nodes or form names)
fields object (required) An object of FieldConfig properties ({ [key: string]: FieldConfig }). See the FieldConfig definition.
customRules array An array of custom rules to use when defining fields. See validatorjs implementation here.
errorMessages object An array of custom error messages registered as objects ({ name, callback, message }). See validatorjs implementation here for more details.
mapState function state => state[name] A selector function to pick out the form from the state tree. By default this is set to select the property on the first level of the state tree matching the name property. This property should only be explicitly set when using combineReducers.
addDefaults boolean true Automatically add values for missing missing config and field attributes. For example, if a field with key 'firstName' is not explicitly given an id, it will automatically be set to 'first-name'.
extra object {} An optional property to store extra information about the form. Useful for storing header/label values, metadata and/or custom behavior.
validateOnInit boolean true Validate fields on initialization.
validateOnFocus boolean false Validate fields on focus.
validateOnBlur boolean true Validate fields on blur.
validateOnChange boolean true Validate fields on change.
validateOnClear boolean true Validate fields on clear.
validateOnReset boolean true Validate fields on reset.
showErrorsOnInit boolean false Display errors on initialization.
showErrorsOnFocus boolean false Display errors on focus.
showErrorsOnBlur boolean true Display errors on blur.
showErrorsOnChange boolean false Display errors on change.
showErrorsOnClear boolean false Display errors on clear.
showErrorsOnReset boolean false Display errors on reset.


export const basicConfig = {
    name: 'basicForm',
    fields: {
        name: {
            value: '',
            default: 'John Doe',
            rules: 'required',
        password: {
            type: 'password',
            rules: 'required|pwCheck',
        passwordConfirm: {
            type: 'password',
            rules: 'required|same:password',
        email: {
            type: 'email',
            rules: 'required|email',
    customRules: [
            name: 'pwCheck',
            callback: value => value.toString().toLowerCase() === 'password',
            message: "The password cannot be \"password\"",
    errorMessages: {
        required: 'You forgot the :attribute field!'
    mapState: state => state.forms.basicForm,
    extra: {
        title: 'Basic Form',
        subtitle: 'A basic example of a yarlf form',

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