
The select function accepts a key string corresponding to a field in the form.


Name Type Description
key string A string corresponding to a field in the form


An object with all the fields properties (extends ConfigField). plus the following:

Property Type Description
valid boolean Whether the field passes all validation rules.
errors array An array of all the error messages for the field if failing validation.
errorCount number The total number of validation errors (equal to the length of errors).
errorMessage 'string' The first error in errors if showErrors = true.
set function Sets the field's value, for example set('John Doe').
clear function Clears the field's value.
reset function Resets the field's value to default. If no default was given the field is set to its initial value.
showErrors function Sets showErrors = true for the field, or showErrors(false) will set showErrors = false
bind function "Binds" the field to an HTML input component with properties corresponding to HTML attributes and event handlers for onChange, onFocus and onBlur.


class LoginForm extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { select } = this.props.loginForm;
        const email = select('email');
        const password = select('password');
        return (
                    <label htmlFor={}>
                        {email.errorMessage || email.label}
                    <input {}/>
                    <label htmlFor={}>
                        {password.errorMessage || password.label}
                    <input {...password.bind()}/>

export default connect.loginForm(LoginForm);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""