How do I create more than one form?

The init function accepts as many config objects as necessary:

import { init } from 'yarfl';
import { loginFormConfig, paymentFormConfig, ... } from './configs'

const { reducer, initialState, connect } = init(loginFormConfig, paymentFormConfig, ...);

How do I connect a component to only one yarfl form?

By default the connect HOC will track all the registered forms, but connect as a property for each form (same as the name for each config) so that React components don't have to listen to everything.

// store.js
import { init } from 'yarfl';
import { loginFormConfig, paymentFormConfig, ... } from './configs'

// forms are configured with names 'loginForm' and 'paymentForm'
const { reducer, initialState, connect } = init(loginFormConfig, paymentFormConfig, ...);
// LoginForm.js
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from './store.js';

class LoginForm extends React.Component {

export default connect.loginForm(MyComponent)
// PaymentForm.js
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from './store.js';

class PaymentForm extends React.Component {

export default connect.paymentForm(MyComponent)

In the example above, each component only receives the form prop that they're interested in tracking, while a component registered with the default connect would receive both form props. The same principle applies when using FormProvider. FormProvider by itself will track all forms where as FormProvider.loginForm will only track loginForm.

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